No one pays you for following your passion

A huge disservice to kids when it comes to jobs and careers is to tell them “do what is your passion”. The huge problem is that no one pays you for following your passion . What people are going to pay you for is creating value for them. And narratives and ideologies aside, that pay is going to be (generally)reflective of however much value they obtain from the product of that work (more generally, the value to the economy produced by that work).

As for jobs or work or career, etc., you can do what you like, and get paid whatever people will pay you for that. Or you can create value for others – and preferably create as much value for as little effort on your part. Which goes to another fallacy, no one pays you for how “hard” you work, they pay you for the value produced by that work, regardless of how “hard” one had to work. Sooo, it behooves one to find the work that creates the greatest value for the least effort. But yes, the reality is that typically it requires more effort on one’s part to create more value. But the reverse is not true – just because one puts out a great deal of effort does NOT mean a great deal of value has been created for anyone.

~ Robert Miller (, from his comment on this youtube video:


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