Do you want a benevolently sexist male partner?

Original Article: SOCIAL Study finds women — including feminists — are more attracted to ‘benevolently sexist’ men

“Previous studies have found that men’s benevolent sexism has many detrimental consequences on women (such as undermining their competence, restricting their freedom, confining them to the kitchen), yet research had also shown that women prefer benevolent sexist men and even find these men more attractive than non-benevolent sexist men.”


But the truth is, whether a man would be “benevolently sexist” depends largely on whether the women “unfeministly feminine” in the relationship~

You act like as arrogant and stubborn person who believe that a man should love you the way you are, while making absolutely zero effort in the relationship and self grooming – then each man you meet would be a male chauvinist pig or a jerk.

Cover Photo and Photo from Medium

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