Man killed himself after false rape claim despite ‘texts proving sex was consensual’

ROSS Bullock, 38, from Redditch, Worcestershire, met his accuser in February 2015 and the pair had sex at his workplace, before exchanging dozens of flirtatious messages. But after a ‘year of torment’, Mr Bullock hanged himself in the garage of his family home and left a note to say he had ‘hit rock bottom’.


Below is the comment reply I made on my facebook profile of in regards to the article above – where a guy killed himself due to the allegation despite already set free by the police as there is “no case”.

The duplicity of what happens in the metoo movement or simply fake allegations is a really difficult thing to unpack.

The biggest problem is – allegations are hard to back up – and there is always possibilities that the allegations can be fake – but the aftermaths of the allegations are often the same : irreversible damage to the alleged culprit.

Its guilty-until-proven-innocent. And the problem with media coverage of such stuff is that, when “proven innocent” it is not reported. Because “proven-innocent” have no media value, as compared to a “breaking news of alleged sexual misconduct”.

Thats why I’m not keen on it (I’m not saying its all no good – but its too ambiguous).

Thats why I maintained, reporting immediately to the authorities is the best way – because once every victim do not feel the stigma of reporting such a crime, despite the hurt and trauma that comes with it – perpetrators will think twice before trying their luck.

Giving people the “possibility of getting away” is what causes it the first place.

As while I was alright with metoo movement in the beginning (as it helps to point out some guys whom had been using their power/authority to force themselves on the female associates around them) – after a while, its getting a little weird that why they didnt come out earlier, when the metoo movement is at its strongest.

The right message today, should be to encourage any victims to immediately report to the authority – so that such activities can be clammed down and put to a stop.


Giving people the “possibility of getting away” is what causes it the first place.

metoo movement in the media space where progressive media dominates. what about people in the “real world” – where maybe they do not consume all these western media? Where they do find that “remedy”?

The remedy is enforcement and law – in every single country.

What feminism should be doing, is to empower women to be brave to report to the authority when such things happens – and remove or reduce any supposed stigma and shame that comes such perpetration of crime – so that the legal frameworks in respective countries can take their course and arrest the antagonist.

Calling them out today, is vigilantism. And anything that goes around the law, run the risk of abuse.



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