NZ is a tragedy, yes…. but

You want to know how powerful the media is?

I am sure you are engrossed and outraged about the NZ hate-killing at the mosques? 40 people died. Its a tragedy.

But in Syria, since the conflict began in 2011, more than 450,000 Syrians have been killed and over six million displaced, according to the United Nations.

That’s averaging 154 deaths per day since 2011 till today. (450000 deaths divide by 8 years divide by 365 days)

But nope. You didn’t know (nor care) about the daily deaths and tragedy in Syria. Neither did the condemnation came from those who should have done most of the condemnation.

The media is powerful and highly dangerous.

The NZ tragedy has become a powerful clickbait to gain traffic to the various websites and media outlets. Thus every shit site and fb page is talking and posting about it.

They trying to squeeze out every bit of empathy, sympathy and outrage – into views, clicks and ROI – and perhaps money.

Its a tragedy. I’m not denying it.

But I grief everyday for those in Syria, in Yemen, in Venezuela, in the caravans that are trying to breach the American border, the rohingya that are now stranded in Bangladesh, the burmese ethnic minorities that are trapped by the warlords that clings onto whatever remaining power at the expense of its people, and the refugees that flooded Europe on the false promise of a better life.

For every headline that raises a red flag of “manipulation” – I am reminded of all the crazier tragedies that plagues the world at large.

Get woke and stay woke peeps.

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