UK is crazy to give up on containment! Singapore is not impressed.

UK is crazy to give up on containment! Singapore is not impressed.

UK’s decision to move from containment to delay has drawn criticism from Singapore. As a result, Singapore had banned travellers from UK after UK’s announcem…

UK’s decision to move from containment to delay has drawn criticism from Singapore. As a result, Singapore had banned travellers from UK after UK’s announcement that they are giving up on containment.

And despite sharply rising numbers of infections, UK had not banned large scale events from happening immediately, with 2 half marathons and a major concert happening over the weekend.

This is an utterly irresponsible management of the crisis in the UK, and it will have huge repercussions in the number of infected in the week to come.

Over in Malaysia, they unwisely held the a massive religious gathering of 16,000 people, held at the mosque near Kuala Lumpur between February 27 and March 1. As a result, the number of cases spiked steeply in Malaysia, and just on Sunday only, 190 new cases of COVID-19 were reported, with a majority linked to the event.

Malaysia quickly claimed the crown as the most infected country in South East Asia. As of this writing, Malaysia had reported 566 confirmed cases in total, ranking just below Diamond Princess (696) – making Malaysia a new Covid-19 hot spot in the world. In contrast, Malaysia has only 29 cases on 1st March 2020.

So, when you contrast it with United Kingdom that has now reported 1551 cases as of this writing, and still held massive events over the weekend – they are literally “playing with covid19 fire” – and I would expect the number cases to spike madly in 2 weeks time.

The entire strategy of delay rides so much on the unknown possibility that we human beings are able to form a certain level of immunity against the SARS-Cov-2 virus. However we really do not know enough about the virus to make a case of “herd-immunity”.

Reports coming out of China of people falling sick to Covid19 again after being cleared of the virus/disease, some even dying of respiratory illness is astounding. Yes, it might be a case of releasing patient too early – but we really do not know.

United Kingdom needs to take bigger responsibility for their people’s health and safety – as well as accountability to the rest of the world, as we are all yet to have given up on defeating the virus.



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