Even Singapore, there are “#racism” issue… it is (in my opinion) not a big problem at all unlike most other countries, but there is this uncomfortable growing trend of some vocal activists trying to start some form of culture war in Singapore like what happened in the USA.

However, their actions and finger pointings are just creating more racism and prejudice (because people will get offended but unsubstantiated accusations, and these offender purportedly “represents” their race)

I feel, racism cannot be defeated in a “frontal assault”.

We are really different racially. We look different, we speak different, our culture is different, our experiences are different.

So the way should be to bridge the gap by having better understanding among one another; to learn about each other’s culture more and share more of our unique heritage. With better understand, there is lesser chances of sterotyping – thus prejudice.

And only when we can be more open with one another, we can then open difficult conversations that certain particular community or subset of the society faces in their lives – and then we can make tangible and persistent change to their reality.

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