Refreshing on what Trump had achieved in his 4 years.

Just some of the important achievements of Trump under his administration:

  • Middle east peace deal – Abraham Accord
  • moving embassy to Jerusalem
  • lowest unemployment for black
  • lowest unemployment for women
  • biggest economy in history
  • income growth for the first time in at least a decade (can’t remember how long)
  • provided geopolitical stability thus peace for Asia Pacific by becoming assertive against China
  • avoided the North Korea crisis which was endlessly said to start WW3
  • killed the mastermind behind many of the major insurgency and terrorism: Iran’s Soleimani
  • calling out Paris Accord for their hypocrisy and quitting it
  • provided ventilators thru out the entire world during the pandemic
  • never start a single war. First time in a long long long time a US president never start a war
  • withdrawing troops saving countless american lives
  • revived the US economy and stopped the “managed declined” where China is supposed to overtake USA

Most importantly to me,

  • China stopped bullying Singapore and starting to fake deep friendship with us again, because of the utter pressures asserted by Trump on China thru the trade war and strategic positioning. China is literally checkmated, until they deliberately allowed the virus to spread overseas despite locking their own country down entirely.

Photo: Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and U.S. President Donald J. Trump give joint statements in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, DC on October 23, 2017. Joshua Roberts/Reuters

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