“ATLANTA (AP) — A second #Georgia county has uncovered a trove of votes not previously included in #election results, but the additional votes won’t change the overall outcome of the #presidential race, the secretary of state’s office said Tuesday.”

<— whether this is #fraud or not (done on purpose), as a just and fair person, you have to admit that this election in Georgia is highly #incompetent. If the election officials are able to lose thousands of votes here and there.

This article is from 18th Nov, however, by 17 Nov, other “smaller” media outlets had already reported a 3rd county finding missing votes of 284 uncounted #ballots. But you see, all the mainstream media are quick to say “additional votes wont change results of the presidential race” – but thats shouldnt even be the main point of these revelation.

The main point is – if they cant even secure and count all ballots – then the public, especially supporter of the current losing side, have ALL the reasons to suspect that other election protocols and procedures are not followed, and #fraudulent practices/frauds would not be detected as a result.

It is extremely wrong for #BigTech to continue to label social media posts as “there is no widespread fraud etc…etc…”

If one fraud can switch, for example, 3000 votes from #Trump to Biden. 2 frauds could now kill #Biden’s lead down to less than 500 votes.

You DO NOT NEED #WIDESPREAD frauds to change elections.

There shouldnt even be frauds in First World Elections.

Second Georgia county finds previously uncounted votes

ATLANTA (AP) – A second Georgia county has uncovered a trove of votes not previously included in election results, but the additional votes won’t change the overall outcome of the presidential race, the secretary of state’s office said Tuesday.

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