Atheist Republic just wants money from Gods-Porn

Atheist Republic facebook page had been posting offensive blasphemous erotic art of deities/gods from various religion.

Especially interested in targeting the Hindus.

I followed the page, but I had been wondering, why this page admin/owner goes with such fervent passion in posting all these erotic arts, and going after the religious folks…

Atheist typically just dont give a damn about religious people/religion – because its just like giving a damn about flat-earther. If you sincerely believe something as a fact, anyone that contradicts are just dumb – you wouldnt bother too much.

But this person is unique, he had been inflammatory on purpose.
Today, I got my answer: apparently, its for money.

In this screenshot/post – you can clearly see this “onlyfan-ish” attempt to ask people to join his patreon in order to see “god-porn”. Thats disappointing and disgusting.

I thought he had a vendetta against the religious maybe for some particular reason or bad experience. But apparently, its just a cover for making money and being an asshole/jerk.

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