“The Bukit Timah Gundam”, commonly abbreviated as BTG or BTGD, is a robot said to inhabit Singapore, chiefly in the forested Bukit Timah region. The creature is often cited as a forest-dwelling robot / mech and is also accounted for as being immortal. However, its exact identity remains unknown, and its existence disputed. Documentation of the BTG is sparse and scattered; the creature is largely considered a product of local folklore.”


There were several sighting reports of BTGD during 2007 and 2008And last year, Vat Lano Bakka from KNNB spotted BTGD at Meowo Trail.

This year, one of our equipment specialist, Wyatt, followed this particular group for a mission and also to test his paranormal equipment in this particular jungle

During that particular night, they witness BTGD and our specialist manage to capture in a split seconds

He said BTGD this time is really huge.

BTGD is an another type of mystery creature called Macross. Some people says it’s a folklore, some say it’s a mecha(giant robot)

Whether it is, whether you guys think that the photo is genuine or not, it’s for your own opinion and imagination

At least we aware that BTGD is still around

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