The Left heralds the Age of Immaturity and Irresponsibility

Trolls Wrongly Accused Retired Firefighter Of Capitol Riot Murder

CHICAGO – David Quintavalle didn’t do it. The retired Chicago firefighter from Mount Greenwood – whom social media trolls called a ” terrorist” and accused of fatally wielding a fire extinguisher that killed a cop as a mob of Trump-supporting insurrectionists stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan.

People on the “left” tends to not understand – the behaviors & character of left and right people (especially activists) are fundamentally different. They are literally different type of people, in thoughts, actions and values.

The left can riot in the streets, burn down building, spout nonsense and hate – the media would actually still endorse them and the left-wing politicians will even encourage them. Many of the anarchists were constantly bailed out by politicians and NGOs. (USA context)

The left also have these disgusting obsession with doxxing their philosophical and political opponents. I seen it happen first hand, when I have a white nationalist friend listing his name as part of my “company” as an inside joke between me and him – and I have people messaging me, an asian, telling/asking me if I know he is a white supremacists and racist and whatever… The apparent cognitive dissonance doesnt seem to dawn on them…

The MOST bizarre thing is, the “right” cannot use the exact same tactic back against the left. The media response would be different. The popular reaction would also be different. Even police response differs.

Perhaps everyone recognise that, if the right decides to “go to war” – things would get a whole lot worse than letting some frustrated snowflakes riot in the street and spout their extremist views online.

The victim in this article is one such example of the left’s craziness.

Delusional people are thinking they can change the world just by saying things and tweeting things – then they go on to enjoy the collective fruit of labour with no regards of the damage they have done to people with those few minutes of ranting and excitement.

Once upon a time, such people are just labelled “immature” and “kid” – and are called out by the “patriarchy” to “grow the fuck up”.

Today, we see these immatured or the perpetually immatured – being hoisted up as heroes and role models. These people grow up and started to fill up academia and preaching their ideology to the new generation of college students whom paid stupid amount of money to get education – ended getting indoctrinated. Greta Thunberg for example – despite the tangible actions were actually done by other young people of her age, whom were way more quieter and way more productive – is however the face of her generation, being admired and praised by ranting at adults, again, another instance of “talking” without actions.

I literally witness sane and sensible people who talks a lot of sense and judges the world with logic – all went nuts with TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) over the past 4-5 years. I’m not alone in observing this crazy phenomena. Sane sensible people

My heartful and sincere plead is: Stop.

Break all the facts down without opinions. Analyze the broken down pieces of information to understand the actual situation. Do not allow your emotions to be manipulated by media stories – especially those that will trigger you into getting angry or disgust or other negative emotions against another group of people. Do not let “adjectives” that are irresponsibility written into the article to manipulate your independent assessment of the truth.

Not sure what more I can say. No one can change you except yourself. I think this is worth pondering upon since its a new year, and with Trump leaving, a perfect time to check your biasness.

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