The #ClassWar is here!!! r/wallstreetbets’ GameStop attack is the First Shot!

The #ClassWar is here!!! r/wallstreetbets’ GameStop attack is the First Shot!

I’m sure most of you might have heard about the GameStop battle between a Reddit subreddit and a hedge fund (or two)… On the surface, it might seemed like …

I’m sure most of you might have heard about the GameStop battle between a Reddit subreddit and a hedge fund (or two)… On the surface, it might seemed like just another boring finance/trading story.

However, it is a sign of a bigger thing. Its an uprising.

A revolt. A rebellion. It is the first time the common people dealt a serious serious damage through a deliberate attack on the establish elites at the wall street… Billions of dollars are lost…. The elite class is not going to take this lying down.

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