Rick Bright whistleblower underestimated Trump; HCQ+AZM proven to increase survival rate by 2.9times

#RickBright, the former Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (#BARDA) director, turned “whistleblower” had a windfall after HHS had a settlement with him.

However, looking back at his statements and actions – he underestimated Trump’s abilities and capacities to organise the response to the pandemic and wrongly analyzed the #Trump’s vaccine plans.

He was vehement about HCQ not being effective as a cure for Covid19… However, recent studies had shown that HCQ + AZM could increase the survival rate of seriously ill covid19 patients that are under the ventilator assistance by 2.9 times, as powerful or even better than #Regeneron’s REGEN-COV cocktail.

#HCQ+#AZM+Zinc also proved to be an effective combination to reduce the chances of serious #covid19 significantly (14.5x for hospitalisation, 13x for death)

#Hydroxychloroquine #Azithromycin

Rick Bright whistleblower underestimated Trump; HCQ+AZM proven to increase survival rate by 2.9times

Rick Bright, the former Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) director, turned “whistleblower” had a windfall after HHS had a settle…

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