Formula to create more Nagaenthrans

The latest controversy to hit #Singapore is on the #deathsentence of a #drug trafficker, #Nagaenthran K Dharmalingam.

He is sentenced to death getting arrested for carrying 42.72 grams of diamorphine in 2009. 15 grams = death sentence.

So what is controversial is that, this guy, is mentally disabled with an IQ of 69. The courts had decided that he is still guilty because he committed the crime with full understanding that he is doing it on personal benefit (to pay of debt).
Rights groups and liberal-leaning crowd are raging over this sentencing.

However, my position is this: letting him off will lead to a bigger disaster for people like him in #Malaysia.

Formula to create more Nagaenthrans

The latest controversy to hit Singapore is on the death sentence of a drug trafficker, Nagaenthran K Dharmalingam.He is sentenced to death getting arrested f…

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