This marks the beginning of the end for Wakanda

“On the contrary, Killmonger’s ascension and death is the event that catalyzes Wakanda’s redemption from its greatest failure”

A quote from The Atlantic that praises T’Challa aka The Black Panther for opening the country up to the world and revealing the truth that they are actually a technologically advanced, wealthy and rarest-resource-rich kingdom:

However, I disagree.

In contrary, this is the beginning of the end for the Wakanda kingdom in my opinion. Opening themselves up to expensive wars and threats, as well as greed of other nations…

Its idealism to think that a technologically powerful small country like Wakanda can “save the black people all around the world” – ignoring real issues and geopolitics that caused the problems at the first place.

In the real world – that country is call “Libya”.


– Highest in Africa in Human Development Index
– Debt Free
– One of the highest GDP per capital in Africa
– Defined as “Upper Middle Income Economy” by the World Bank (only 8 African countries had this)
– Full of Oil
– Full of Gold
– 150 billion dollars in reserve
– Actual gender equality, despite being a Muslim country
– Literacy rate was 89.2% in 2010 (free education for all citizens)

Massive Irrigation Projects in the Sahara. Kufra, Libya
Tripoli prior to the 2011 invasion

And what is Libya now?

And why was Libya bombed into a failed state by Europe and USA?
Because “they tried to save Africa from the colonialists”.


Gaddafi – the real world Black Panther

The once suave, handsome and beloved leader of the Libya people, fall victim to his paranoid of getting assassinated; and getting his own country destroyed after attempting to stand up against the western hegemony.

Muammar Gaddafi, became the de facto leader of Libya in 1969, after he lead a bloodless coup d’etat against Libya King Idris I.
Prime Minister Tony Blair meeting Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi at his desert base outside Sirte, south of Tripoli on May 29, 2007. Stefan Rousseau—AP

Saving Africa
Libya accumulated 143 tons of gold, and intends to establish a gold backed currency across the entire Africa and force every country outside Africa to only buy natural resources (which is plenty in Africa) with only gold.

This plan will force wealth to return to Africa and actually enrich the continent as they are supposed to get for being so resource rich.

But this plan threatens the importance of other currencies in circulation in Africa. And as the world is dependent on Africa on rare resources like cobalt – and buying only in “Gold” means that these resources will be extremely expensive (and countries like USA, cannot just print “worthless paper” just to buy them without caring about the consequences)

As Gaddafi (Libya’s leader) is very close to getting this new gold currency into action (he was pushing pretty hard in the African Union) – they decides to take him out.

Imagine, one of the richest and most successful African country, is targeted by the west and had actively been trying to assassinate Gaddafi.

So there you have it, Wakanda’s decline as begun.

Truth to be told: they are both wrong. The ancestors were right all along.

Read more: Did Wikileaks just reveal the US blueprint for Libya?
Read more: Wikileaks: Hillary Clinton Helped Topple Gadhafi While France & UK Fought Over Libya’s Oil

Interesting Tidbit: Like The Black Panther whom is surrounded by female bodyguards, Gaddafi too had an phalanx of female body guards.

Dora Milaje also known as the adored ones are a team of black women who serve as the personal bodyguards of the Black Panther.
Gaddafi with his female bodyguards.
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