Vlog Biden is going home to sleep for the weekend ; Didn’t he just had a vacation!?!? August 20, 2021August 20, 2021 Walking Problem #Afghanistan is becoming the biggest disaster in recent US history and #Biden kindda vacation through it… and now, when everyone think he is coming back
Vlog Trump deliberately released the Taliban – But it’s not for the reason what you think it is. August 20, 2021August 20, 2021 Walking Problem Long time no see. Today we talk about how Trump screw up Afghanistan for Biden…. No. LOL. Just joking~ Its still Biden’s fault.
Vlog The Kiffness is awesome!!! The Cat & Dog music whisperer! August 20, 2021August 20, 2021 Walking Problem This is a new series where I go into more #fun and casual stuffs! In the very first video of my “#Awesome Shit” series, I
Vlog 特朗普 (Trump) 利用 塔利班 (Taliban) 弄死 拜登(Biden)? August 20, 2021August 20, 2021 Walking Problem 特朗普有可能故意放阿富汗塔利班战士来打击拜登吗? 其实不然。 #特朗普 #阿富汗 #塔利班 #拜登