WW2 British forces in Malaya/Singapore fell to the Japanese like the Afghan Government forces to the Taliban

If you had followed the news in #Afghanistan – how fast the Afghan forces fell to the Taliban ; thats probably a good imagination of how the world react to the news of Imperial Japan’s advance in #Malaya to Singapore during World War 2.
The shock of how fast the British/Allied forces fell in Malaya and Singapore fundamentally changed the opinion and view of the residents of both Malaya and Singapore about the Colonial #British, what it meant to be home, and the importance of protecting our own way of life ourselves – not depending on someone else – permanently.

This is the basis of why our pioneers and the forefathers built the #SAF and why #Singapore continues to command arguably the most powerful military in South East Asia.

The fall of #Afghanistan to the #Taliban will without doubt remind those people and countries that had been depending on #US protection, instead of building a military and govt that can protect themselves.

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